Spanish Resident Tax payment 2020 (Renta)

Tax Payment for the year ending 2019

Spanish Resident Tax payment 2020 (Renta)

We would like to remind you that although we are all still dealing with this special situation and living with the Covid-19 problems and lockdown, the dates for submitting the Tax declaration remain as usual.

If you have lived in Spain for more than 183 days in any calendar year, then you’re considered resident, which means you’ll have to pay taxes in Spain. Please bear in mind that the 183 days can be non sequential! Meaning that if you visit Spain three or four times per year and the amount of total days spent here exceed 183 you are also considered ‘resident’.

The Spanish Income Tax campaign for this year started on the 1st of April and will finished on the 30th of June. In the case you wish to set up a direct debit for the payment, the Tax must to be submitted before the 25th of June.

One of the most important changes for this year, is that the Tax office has increased the minimum amount to have the obligation to submit your Tax declaration from 12.643 € to 14.000 € if you only receive an income from one source, your only income is a state pension for example.

That said, if you have any other income like interest from a savings account or rental income from a property you will need to file a declaration.

However, you don´t have the obligation to submit a Tax declaration although we still advise you to do so as it formally records you as a fiscal resident in Spain.

In case you need to submit your Tax declaration please don´t hesitate to get in contact with us by email at and we´ll inform you about the documents and information to be provided.