Spain needs foreign workers

Given that Spain needs labor, these are the positions that foreigners are most interested in.Currently, the position of driver or...

Spain needs foreign workers

Given that Spain needs labor, these are the positions that foreigners are most interested in.

Currently, the position of driver or worker in logistics and transportation has the most open applications.

Spain has been dealing with a labour shortage recently. The result is that its economy has been impacted, joining the rest of Europe where various nations are keen to hire workers to make all sectors function

Due to this circumstance, more people are looking to start a new life in another country migrated abroad. Latinos in particular have shown a lot of interest in establishing a labour process on the ancient continent.

Due to the proximity in terms of both language and culture, Spain has emerged as one of the top destinations for Latinos who speak Spanish, as published by El Pais.

Recently, businesses in that nation announced fresh openings for applicants from outside. The only prerequisite is that they have all of their paperwork in order.

These are the open positions for foreign nationals in Spain.

Drivers and workers in logistics are the occupations with the most available positions at the time. Workers in this field can make twice as much money as the Spanish minimum wage, which is one thousand euros.

Drivers typically make around 29,400 euros a year. It would cost between 1,400 and 1,600 net euros each month. The caller clarified that employees may also get extras or incentives. Truck drivers who work for themselves might make up to 2000 euros per month. For this job, they do not have to be professionals and they can also work as a train driver, earning about 28 thousand euros per year.

Some vacancies are requesting employees through digital platforms, such as in Grupo Crit Spain. Some jobs offer lower pay, but are highly desirable and easy to get. One of them is as a driver of industrial forklift trucks, who earns about 1,220 euros per month.

Some vacancies are requesting employees through digital platforms, such as in Grupo Crit Spain. Some jobs offer lower pay, but are highly desirable and easy to get. One of them is as a driver of industrial forklift trucks, who earns about 1,220 euros per month.

The most important thing to enter one of these job offers is to have the correct documentation. It would be advisable to have Spanish citizenship or from some European country, but visas and work permits can also be requested.

If you are looking for moving to Spain for working or living and need help sorting all paperworks required, do not hesitate to contact us via phone +34 688 48 37 50 or email to

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