You Will Need a Conveyancing Lawyer!

But WHY?

Is it important to hire a conveyancing Lawyer?

Below we explain WHY, it's important to use a Conveyancing Solicitor

Hiring a conveyancing Lawyer in all real estate transactions is a very important aspect, due to the complexity and risks that may exist in these type of transactions.

A Lawyer specialising in real estate law has an in-depth knowledge of the laws and regulations relating to real estate transactions. This allows them to advise on the legal and regulatory aspects involved in buying, selling, renting, or leasing property, which helps to avoid legal and financial problems in the future.

Which one’s are the most important services?

– The exhaustive review of contracts, to ensure that there are no abusive or unfavourable clauses for the client and that the terms included are those agreed between the two parties. These types of contracts are often complex and contain specific legal terminology.

– Search for debts or charges that may affect the property, such as outstanding taxes, mortgages, liens and others that could affect the purchase or sale of a property. 

This task is essential to avoid unpleasant surprises.

– Mediating to resolve discrepancies or conflicts that may arise in the purchase process, to resolve disputes and controversies, with mediation, arbitration or litigation processes.

– Ensuring that the transaction comes to a successful conclusion, preparing the necessary documentation to be submitted to the notary, for example in the case of purchases and sales.

Who should hire a conveyancing Lawyer?

A conveyancing Lawyer can be beneficial for buyers, sellers, landlords or tenants of property.

In short, what are the benefits of hiring a conveyancing Lawyer?

*Saving time and money.

* Avoid legal and financial problems.

* Avoid unnecessary delays in the transaction.