
The Revolution of Electronic Invoicing in 2025
sgm abogados verifactu

VeriFactu: The Future of Electronic Invoicing

VeriFactu: The Revolution of Electronic Invoicing in 2025

Starting in July 2025, all companies in Spain will need to adapt to the new electronic invoicing system, VeriFactu. This initiative, developed by the Spanish Tax Agency, requires that invoices be issued and reported in real-time, eliminating any chance of later manipulation or alteration.

What Does VeriFactu Mean for Your Business?

  1. Instant issuance and registration: Each invoice must include key information such as the date, invoice number, and a QR code to facilitate verification by the Tax Agency.
  2. Complete traceability: From issuance to final receipt by the Tax Agency, all invoices will be fully tracked.
  3. Fines for non-compliance: Companies that do not update their invoicing systems before the deadline could face significant penalties.

How to Prepare Your Business for VeriFactu:

  1. Update your invoicing software: Make sure your system meets VeriFactu requirements to guarantee the automatic real-time submission of invoices.
  2. Connect with the Tax Agency: Ensure your software can directly integrate with the AEAT to avoid errors or delays in data transmission.
  3. Train your team: It’s essential that your employees understand the technological and operational changes required by this new system.