Tourism ‘rebound effect’
Post-vaccine could make up for ‘lost’ 2020, says Spanish industry minister.
HOLIDAYMAKERS ‘on the rebound’ could mean the next two years are more successful than those prior to Spain’s disappointing 2020, says minister for industry Reyes Maroto.
As long as it is safe – in public health terms – 2021 could see the nation’s tourism industry ‘bounce back’ with visitors determined to make up for lost time. “Provided we can regain trust in our tourism industry, all that we have lost this year could be made up for and more besides over the next one to two years,” she says, confidently.
In addition to international keenness to get back to Spain as soon as they are able, holidaymakers may even have a greater amount of money to spend and be more determined to spend it:
Not having been able to travel this year, or being reluctant to do so because of the pandemic, means habitual tourists will have saved themselves the cost of their annual break in 2020 and have more to blow on their long-desired trip next year.
But whether it happens as soon as this will depend upon a vaccine being widely available in time for the world to plan their Spanish travels – although even if it is not the case and the inoculation comes too late for next year’s holiday plans, Reyes Maroto is certain this eagerness to get away will spur the world’s tourists on for 2022.
She thinks the likelihood of a more-successful-than-ever tourism season in 2021 and 2022 could lead to the country’s earning all the income it should have had in 2020 on top of that expected under normal circumstances in the next two seasons.
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