Lost Your TIE or Spanish Residency Document?

Here is a Guide for YOU
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Lost Your TIE or Spanish Residency Document?

A Guide; What If You Lose Your TIE or Spanish Residency Document!
Losing your Spanish residency document, whether due to theft or misplacement, can be a stressful experience. However, the process to obtain a duplicate is straightforward. Here’s what you need to do.
Step 1: Report the Loss or Theft

The first step is to visit your local police station to report the incident. Officers may ask you to file a denuncia (official complaint), which will generate a document confirming the loss or theft. This document may be required when applying for a replacement.

If your wallet has been stolen or misplaced, there is a chance it might be returned, though any cash inside may not be. If your wallet contained debit or credit cards, remember to cancel them immediately to prevent unauthorised transactions.

Step 2: Wait Before Requesting a Duplicate

If your document is not recovered within three to five days, proceed with the application for a duplicate residency document.

Step 3: Apply for a Duplicate Residency Document

The process for obtaining a replacement TIE card (Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjero) or green residency certificate (Certificado de Registro de la Unión) does not involve reapplying for residency but rather an administrative replacement procedure.

Booking an Appointment (Cita Previa)

You must request an appointment at the police station or Extranjería (immigration office) within 30 days of losing your document. This can be done online through the official government website, selecting the appropriate option based on your residency status:

  • EU Citizens: “Certificado de Registro de la Unión”

  • Non-EU Citizens: “Expedición de tarjeta y renovación de tarjeta”

  • British Citizens: There may be a specific option due to post-Brexit residency changes

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Losing your Spanish residency document can be a stressful experience.
Step 4: Prepare the Required Documents

Before attending your appointment, gather the following documents:

  • Completed EX-17 form, available online HERE. Tick the box for “DUPLICADO POR ROBO, EXTRAVÍO, DESTRUCCIÓN O INUTILIZACIÓN.”

  • Payment of Fee 790/012, which can be processed at any bank. Fees range from €12 to €21.44 depending on your residency document type.

  • Photocopy of your passport (including the original for verification).

  • Three passport-sized photos with a white background.

  • Copy of the denuncia (police report), if applicable.

Step 5: Attend Your Appointment

Bring all the required documents to your Extranjería or police station appointment. Your application will be processed, and in most cases, your replacement residency document will be issued within 40 to 45 days.

Additional Considerations

  • In some locations, you may need a second appointment to collect your new residency card.

  • Your new document will retain the same NIE number, and the issuance/expiration dates should remain unchanged.

  • Travel Considerations: If you are a third-country national and need to travel urgently, inform the officer handling your case. You may be advised to apply for an autorización de regreso, allowing you to return to Spain despite not having a valid residency document.

For further guidance or legal assistance with your residency matters, feel free to contact SGM Abogados in Benijófar. We are here to help ensure your residency status remains secure and compliant with Spanish regulations.