Summer 2024

The Hottest August on Record
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It was HOT HOT! August 2024

Spain experienced its hottest August on record in 2024

with the national weather agency, AEMET, reporting an average temperature of 25 degrees Celsius (77 degrees Fahrenheit). This marks the warmest August ever recorded in mainland Spain, surpassing the previous records set in 2003 and 2023 by two-tenths of a degree.

AEMET also noted that 2024 is on track to possibly become the warmest year in Spain’s history, potentially tying with the previous record set in 2022, which had an average annual temperature of 15.7 degrees Celsius.

Moreover, the EU’s Copernicus Climate Change Service highlighted in August that 2024 is increasingly likely to be the hottest year ever recorded globally.

### Important Information for Costa Blanca Residents:

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  1. **Health Precautions**: With rising temperatures, it’s crucial to take extra care during the hottest parts of the day. Ensure you stay hydrated, wear sunscreen, and avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, especially between 12 PM and 4 PM. Elderly individuals, young children, and those with pre-existing health conditions should be particularly cautious.
  1. **Energy Use**: The increase in temperatures may lead to higher energy consumption, particularly for air conditioning. Consider adopting energy-saving practices such as using fans, shading windows, and setting air conditioners to a moderate temperature to reduce both energy costs and environmental impact.
  1. **Water Conservation**: Prolonged heat can lead to drought conditions. Residents are encouraged to conserve water by reducing usage where possible, such as taking shorter showers, using efficient irrigation systems, and fixing leaks promptly.
  1. **Wildfire Risk**: The hot and dry conditions heighten the risk of wildfires, especially in forested and rural areas. It’s important to follow local guidelines on fire prevention, including avoiding the use of barbecues or fireworks in vulnerable areas and reporting any signs of fire immediately.
  1. **Stay Informed**: Keep up to date with weather forecasts and alerts from AEMET or local authorities, especially during heatwaves. This will help you plan activities and take necessary precautions in advance.

These considerations are essential for staying safe and comfortable in the Costa Blanca region, where the effects of this record-breaking heat are likely to be felt strongly.