Cycling Fines

12 Violations to Be Aware Of
sgm abogados Cyclists Fined!

Cyclists Beware of Possible Fines!

Cycling Regulations in Spain: 12 Violations to Be Aware Of

Cycling in Spain entails abiding by the nation’s traffic regulations, as evidenced by fines that can reach €1,000. Here are 12 infractions cyclists often disregard.

No Helmet: €200 Penalty

Wearing a helmet is compulsory on interurban roads, typically countryside lanes connecting towns and cities.

Pedestrian Area Riding: €200 Penalty

Though common, cycling on sidewalks or through pedestrian zones is punishable.

Lack of Lights or Reflective Gear: €80 to €200 Penalty

Fines range from €80 to €200 for cycling without lights at night or without a reflective vest.

Disregarding Traffic Laws: €120 to €200 Penalty

Cyclists must adhere to general traffic regulations, including obeying signs and yielding to pedestrians.

Wrong Lane Cycling: €100 Penalty

Staying in the right lane is required, except when turning left.

sgm abogados cycling city
Cycling on sidewalks or through pedestrian zones is punishable

Failure to Signal: €200 Penalty

Cyclists must use hand signals to indicate turns.

Speeding: €100 to €600 Penalty

Exceeding speed limits can result in fines ranging from €100 to €600.

Reckless Riding: €200 to €500 Penalty

Dangerous or careless cycling can lead to fines.

Headphones Usage: €200 Penalty

Wearing headphones while cycling can result in a fine.

Mobile Phone Use: €200 Penalty

Using a mobile phone while cycling is prohibited.

Drunk Cycling: €500 to €1,000 Penalty

Cycling under the influence can result in hefty fines.

Carrying a Passenger: €100 Penalty

Except for children under 7 in approved seats, carrying passengers is forbidden.