Approved! New Traffic Laws
The processing of the new Traffic Law has come to an end after many months of debate, amendments and proposals.
It has just been definitively approved in Congress and all changes will take effect three months after their publication in the Official State Gazette (BOE) in March. The new Law on Traffic, Motor Vehicle Circulation and Road Safety toughens some sections of the card by points, among other regulations . So, what’s the news?

Changes in the Driving Licence points
MOBILE PHONE: 6 points will be deducted instead of the current 3 for using or hand-holding mobile phone devices while driving. The financial penalty remains at 200 euros. The goal is to reduce distractions , a factor that has become the leading cause of fatal accidents (31%) since 2016.
SEAT BELT , CHILDREN SEATS (SRI) and other mandatory protection elements, such as the helmet: Increase from 3 to 4 the points to be retracted for not using them, but also not using them properly. The financial penalty remains unchanged at 200 euros. It should be borne in mind that one in four deaths was not wearing a seat belt.
CYCLISTS AND MOTORCYCLES: The new Traffic Law wants to protect cyclists more and when it comes into force it will be mandatory to change lanes when passing cyclists or mopeds when traveling on roads with more than one lane in each direction. It also increases from 4 to 6 the points that will be taken from the driver who passes by endangering or hindering cyclists without leaving the mandatory minimum separation of 1.5 meters. The fine will remain 200 euros. Stopping or parking on a bike lane or cycle paths is also prohibited.
THROWING OBJECTS ON THE ROAD: 6 points will be deducted instead of 4 when an object is thrown on the road or its surroundings that could cause an accident or fire.

RECOVERING POINTS: The period that must pass without committing infractions to recover the initial balance of points is unified in two years. Until now, that period varied depending on the seriousness of the offense committed.
SAFE DRIVING COURSES: Additional training is encouraged because with the new law two points will be awarded to the driver who takes a safe and efficient driving course . The requirements of these courses and the procedure will be regulated in a Ministerial order.
UNDER 16 YEARS OLD, ALCOHOL AND DRUGS : The level of alcohol in blood or in breathed air will be zero for underage drivers of any type of vehicle (mopeds, micro-cars -AM permit-, motorcycles up to 125 cc, bicycles and vehicles of personal mobility, where scooters are included). Similarly, they will not be able to circulate with the presence of drugs in the body.
ANTI-START ALCOHOL METER: It will be mandatory for road passenger transport vehicles that are registered as of July 6, 2022. The law requires an interface to be installed so that an Alcoholock device can be installed later. From that date on, the new homologated cars will have to include ten driving assistance systems .
OVERTAKING: It is finally forbidden for cars and motorcycles to exceed the speed limits on conventional roads by 20 km / h when overtaking. “This abolition is in line with the principle of a safe system, of eliminating or reducing risks and overtaking on conventional roads is one of them . “This measure “involves tripling the time to carry out the manoeuvre, and more than twice the distance to travel in the opposite lane . ” From the Foundation for Road Safety (Fesvial) they add that “This measure must be accompanied by a change in the horizontal and vertical signalling of conventional roads, since these were placed when it was possible to circulate at 100 and exceed 20 km to overtake.”
DETECTORS AND INHIBITORS: The express prohibition of radar detectors and inhibitors is included, clearly distinguishing them from warning devices. Carrying them in the vehicle will entail a penalty of 500 euros and the loss of 3 points.

More news of the traffic law
The new Traffic Law that has just been approved in Congress incorporates many other new features that will have to be taken into account as of next March when it comes into force:
It is established as a serious offense, with a fine of 200 euros, not respecting circulation restrictions when protocols are applied in the event of pollution episodes and low emission zones (the LEZs will be mandatory in municipalities with more than 50,000 inhabitants from 2023).
Cheating on exams to obtain a driving license will also be punished. There will be a fine of 500 euros if unauthorized intercoms are used in the tests for obtaining or recovering the driving license or licenses or other administrative authorizations to drive, and whoever collaborates or helps in the use of said devices will also be punished. In addition, the applicant will not be able to present himself again to the tests to obtain the permit within a period of 6 months.
For motorcyclists , one of their claims is approved and that is that they can use certified or approved wireless devices for use in a protective helmet as long as it is used for communication or navigation and that it does not affect driving safety.
Finally, it should be noted that for the first time in Spanish legislation, reference is made to the automated or autonomous vehicle , in several articles of the Traffic Law.
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